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Northern Berkshire United Way


Anyone can champion the cause. Whether you’re speaking out to improve education, income and health, reaching out to members of Congress, or wearing the LIVE UNITED shirt to show your support, you can help inspire hope and create opportunities for a better tomorrow. So go ahead and advocate in a LIVE UNITED world. Do it in public. Be visible. Be loud.


As a leading community impact organization, United Way knows that real and sustained change in community conditions requires more than money. The United Way Worldwide Public Policy office is located in Alexandria, VA and is dedicated to supporting local and state United Ways as they work to advance the common good. Policy staff educate and engage Members of Congress, the Administration, and other policymakers about the goals and priorities of the United Way movement, United Way’s community impact work, and United Way system expertise in education, financial stability, nonprofit sector strengthening, and health-related issues. United Way Worldwide also supports and encourages local and state United Ways to participate in public policy at the local and state levels.

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